Outdoor Workouts: The Better Way to Get Fit

Physical exercise is widely recognized as essential for maintaining good health, encompassing a variety of activities such as aerobic exercise, strength training, and mind-body exercises like yoga. However, the question arises: does the location of your workout matter? Are the benefits the same whether you exercise indoors at a gym or venture outdoors?

Research indicates that engaging in “green” workouts, surrounded by nature, can provide greater mental and physical benefits.

A study conducted on 754 older individuals who regularly exercised revealed that those who opted for outdoor activities like walking, jogging, or other physical pursuits exhibited a higher frequency, longer duration, and more consistent exercise routine compared to those who exercised indoors. The theory behind this is that outdoor exercise provides a sense of pleasure, offering natural distractions from repetitive activities like running on a treadmill and fostering a feeling of restoration.

Numerous studies have reported that exercising in nature can lower cortisol levels, commonly known as the stress hormone. In addition, a study discovered that individuals who cycled outdoors for half an hour engaged in an extra three minutes of conversation with their exercise partners compared to those who cycled indoors. This enjoyable interaction made them more inclined to want to exercise again, surpassing the motivation of the indoor group.

Another study observed 14 participants who engaged in cycling and strength training either indoors or outdoors. The researchers found that the outdoor group experienced lower blood pressure levels following their workout in comparison to the indoor group.

Furthermore, exercising outdoors under sunlight stimulates the production of vitamin D in the body. This essential nutrient has been associated with reduced risks of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, dementia, osteoporosis, depression, and other serious health conditions.

Considering the physical exertion involved in outdoor workouts, it’s important to stay properly hydrated. As part of a healthy lifestyle, it is recommended to choose eco-friendly products, such as reusable water bottles, rather than relying on single-use plastic bottles. Opting for BPA-free water bottles not only helps reduce waste but also minimizes the impact of plastics on the body.

After completing your workout, it is advisable to consume a post-workout snack or meal promptly. Replenishing depleted glycogen levels is crucial to prevent low blood sugar, particularly for individuals with diabetes. Additionally, consuming protein aids in efficient muscle recovery.

A post-workout snack could consist of 2 graham crackers with a slice of whole wheat toast, while a post-workout meal might include a veggie omelet with avocado and ½ cup of roasted potatoes or a protein shake. Enhance the nutritional value of your protein shake by adding ingredients like spinach or kale, chia seeds, and more!

Whether it’s a lap around the high school track, a stroll on the beach, a bike ride through the mountains, or practicing tai chi in the park, consider incorporating some “green time” into your next exercise session. By embracing outdoor workouts, you can reap the benefits of nature’s influence on both your physical and mental well-being.